What is Pronoun?



What is Pronoun?

Pronoun is one of the part of speech. And actually what is pronoun? The word which is used at the place of noun. For example if there is a sentence that Alia is a good girl. So you can put the word (she) at the place of her name. What is her name (Alia) so (Alia) is a noun because it is the name of a person so can change it with the pronoun. It is the simple definition  of pronoun.

Kinds Of Pronoun:

There are 6 kinds of pronoun which are main.

  1. Personal:           Pronoun.
  2. Adjective:         Pronoun.
  3. Passassive:        Pronoun.
  4. Reflexive:         Pronoun: /Intensive/ Emphatic.
  5. Demonstrative: Pronoun.
  6. Indefinite:         Pronoun.

Chart Of pronoun:

Personal Pronoun:

Personal  noun has two types one is (Subjective) which we use at the place of subject and the second is (Objective) which we use at the place of  Object:

            Subjective p                  Objective p                     Adjective p                  Passassive p

                   ↓                                    ↓                                        ↓                                   ↓

                   I                                    Me                                    My                               Mine

                 We                                  Us                                     Our                              Ours

                You                                You                                   Your                            Yours

                They                              Them                                 Their                           Theirs

                 He                                 Him                                   His                                 His

                She                                 Her                                    Her                               Hers

                 It                                     It                                      Its                                   Its

Reflexive Pronoun: /Intensive/ Emphatic.

When a person refers the sentence back on himself. If it is used after (subject) its called Emphatic/Intensive Pronoun. which puts emphases on the sentence. And when it is used after object so it is called Reflexive Pronoun.

For example:

  1. I cook food myself. (Reflexive)
  2. I myself cook food. (Intensive/ Emphatic) 

Reflexive Pronoun: /Intensive/ Emphatic.

Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Ourselves, Themselves. Itself.

Demonstrative Pronoun:

 Pronouns that point to specific things: this, that, these, and those.

Singular → (this) for near. And (that) for far.

Plural    →  (these)  for near. And (those) for far.

Indefinite Pronoun:

We use this kind of pronoun. When we are not sure about the subject.


Someone, Everybody, No one, Anybody.

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