What is Noun?
Noun is the name of anything. Now it doesn't matter that whose name is it? That name can be of anything. If you want to know that What is noun? So you can easily understand that Name of anything is noun. For Ex: There is a student and his name is (Robert) so what is noun? The boy is not noun. His name is noun. So in that sentence the name Robert is noun. And there are 8 kinds of noun.
2. Proper: Noun
3. Abstract: Noun
4. Concrete: Noun
5. Collective: Noun
6. Compound: Noun
7. Countable: Noun
8. Uncountable: Noun
Common Noun:
"What is Common Noun? Common Noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. And Common Noun is that noun which is general not specific. It is the simple definition of Common Noun."
Chocolate, Car, Pencil, Hat.
Proper Noun:
"What is Proper Noun? Proper Noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. A proper noun is the name given to something to make it more specific. And Proper Noun is that noun which is specific not common. It is the simple definition of Common Noun."
Sony, Dollar Pen, Mary, England
Abstract Noun:
"What is Abstract Noun? Abstract Noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. Abstract Noun is the noun which does not physically exist. You can neither touch nor look, You can just feel it."
success, Bravery, Cowardliness, Air.
Concrete Noun:
"What is Concrete Noun? Concrete Noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. Concrete Noun is the noun that can be touched and looked, Hence it exist physically."
Human Beings, Animals, White board, Book.
Collective Noun:
"What is Collective Noun? Collective Noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. Collective Noun is the noun which points out the group of noun."
USA people, Football Players, Sir john's students
Compound Noun:
"What is Compound Noun? Compound noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. Compound noun is the noun which is formed by combining two different nouns."
Toothpaste, Football, Blackboard
Countable Noun:
"What is Countable Noun? Countable noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. Countable noun is the noun which we can count is numbers like 1 2 3 ...."
Glasses, Students, Desks, Pencils.
Uncountable Noun:
"What is Uncountable Noun? Uncountable noun is one of the 8 eight kinds of noun. Uncountable noun is the noun which we can not count in numbers.
Water, Milk, Oil, Juices.