What is Adjective

What is Adjective


What is Adjective? Adjective is one of the part of speech. And what actually adjective is? Adjective is that which shows the Quality and Quantity. 

Types Of Adjective:  

 There are 2 types of Adjective

1= Quantitative

2= Qualitative

Quantitative Degree: 

 Quantitative degree is that degree which shows the Quantity of something.

Qualitative Degree: 

There are 3 degrees of quantitative degree:

1= Positive

2= Comparative

3= Superlative

Positive degree:

Positive degree is that degree in which we simply show the quality of noun and pronoun.

For example

1=  Robert is handsome.

2=  Usain bolt is fast.

3=  She is ugly. 

Comparative degree:

Comparative degree is that degree in which we compare one person to another person or one group to another group to another group. When there is one syllable, we put (er) after adjective. When there are more than one syllable, we put (more) before adjective.

For example:

1= Hafeez is more Handsome than Asad. (More than one syllable).

2= MSD is faster than Usain bolt. (One syllable).
3= Alia is uglier than her. (
One syllable).

What is syllable?

Syllable mean a break of sound of a words like: when we say a word like: (Apple) In this word there is no any break we can say it directly but if i say (Beautiful) in this word there are breaks in this word (Beau) (Ti) (Ful) so this is called syllable.

Superlative degree:

Superlative degree is that degree in which we compare one person or one group with all. When there is one syllable, we put (est) after adjective, when there are more than one syllable we put (most) before adjective.

For example

 1= Robert is the most Handsome. (More than one syllable)

 2= Farah is the fastest(One syllable).

 3= Alis is the ugliest.   (One syllable).



Positive    Comparative       Superlative   Superlative(with more than one syllable)

Fast        →          Faster                       Fastest         →         Most handsome 

 Slow       →          Slower                    Slowest        →        Most  beautiful

 Young            Younger                   Youngest       →        most  uncommon

 Old                 Older               →           Oldest           →        Most  Unusual

 Long                Longer                    Longest         →         Most  Adorable

 Short                Shorter                    Shortest         →        Most  Delightful

 Tall                    taller                       Tallest           →         Most   Attractive


   Examples of Degrees:

1= Tony is handsome.   (Positive degree).

2= Tony is more handsome than him (comparative degree with more than one syllable).

3= Tony is the most handsome   (Superlative degree with more than one syllable).

4= Alia is fast      (Positive degree).

5= Alia is faster than her (Comparative degree with one syllable).

6= Alia is the fastest.  (Superlative degree with one syllable).




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